What do Yoga, Music, TV and Paddle Boarding have in common?

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Me of course! Where have I been? Good question. Teaching yoga, recovering from some shoulder pain (and no, I still have no idea what I’ve done- just started hurting one day) singing, writing, it’s been busy! I’m sure y’all can relate. In addition to working full-time, I’ve added some yoga classes to my schedule and it’s been keeping me busy and exhausted. I love it, it’s tough sometimes, but I’m so thankful for all the wonderful opportunities that have been coming my way.


So this post is a little different than my regular yoga/motivation posts. It’s more of an update on my life and an explanation as to why I haven’t been blogging as much. The ideas haven’t stopped I just haven’t had time to give them the attention they deserve. I have a few in the works though.

I’m also excited to share with you that I will be on Missy Kane’s Fit & Fun tv show next week. It’s a local tv show here in Knoxville, TN. She invited me to come and do some yoga with her. I hope to post a link to that when it airs next week. Here’s a picture of us getting our yoga on!


And now to my music- it’s been a part of my soul for as long as I can remember. Here is a link to my latest song, written and performed by me. The way I had to put this on the computer doesn’t sound or look great lol but wanted to be able to give you a listen if you wanted one 🙂 This song is an interesting one, it’ more of a rock song and everyone knows I’m a county girl at heart but I loved this version! Kevin Griffin an excellent musician and singer/songwriter wrote the music for this one and provides the back ground vocals. Thank you Kevin Griffin!




And back to SUP Yoga! Here are some yogi’s from one of my stand up paddle board classes! We’ve been having so much fun with these water classes! If you’re in Knoxville, TN…come and join us!


See! I told you I’ve  been busy 🙂 I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your summer as much as I am. If you have questions or thoughts, send them my way. Until next time….

Find more from me at http://www.bepresent100.com and on twitter @bepresent100

Love and be loved.




Mantra Monday: Suck it up, buttercup.

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Mantra: Suck it up, buttercup.

As Monday comes to a close, and my Mantra Monday deadline looms, I struggled with being positive today. Some days I just don’t feel positive, some days I want to hide under the covers and eat ice cream all day. I know I’m a yoga instructor and there is an unwritten code somewhere that says we must never speak of anything negative, only positive. 🙂 But sometimes, as much as I try to tell myself that I’ve got it pretty dang good, some days I still feel sad, maybe even a little depressed for reasons sometimes even unknown to me.  Scrolling thru pinterest, I saw the picture above and it made me smile. Because we all have off days no matter who we are or what we do, it’s inevitably going to happen. The beauty in off days is there is an on day coming soon. Maybe not tomorrow but soon! So maybe this Monday mantra is more for me than anyone else.

What I’m learning is that we go through different seasons in life, some happy, some sad, some where we are barely hanging on but we make it, we manage and we keep putting one foot in front of the other. You never know how long the season will last whether it will be a day, a few minutes, a week or longer. Why I started this blog, this journey and the whole premise of be present 100 is learning the ability to be wherever you are fully present in the moment. Some do not understand why I will allow myself to cry when I’m sad or wallow when I’m depressed, it’s because I know that’s what I need for that moment. I know that it won’t last forever and I know that the bad days help me to appreciate and be fully present for the truly wonderful days. So why would I use “suck it up, buttercup” as Monday’s mantra? Well because I can and it’s funny and I want it to remind you too when you’re having a bad day, week or month that your day is coming soon! Bad days always precede good ones 🙂 Take care of you. Be in the moment and sort through the good, the bad and everything in between and know that it’s all part of the wonderful journey of life. This too shall pass whether it’s happy or sad so embrace it, live it, feel it and enjoy it. It will all make sense when it needs too.

My name is Amber find more from me at http://www.bepresent100.com and on twitter @bepresent100


Don’t judge. Love. Be confident. ❤️

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When you’re confident in who you are you will have no reason to compare yourself with others.

Your weaknesses and faults are illuminated when you start to compare yourself, judge others and put them down.

Confidence is not about being better than your neighbor (no matter what he/she has or hasn’t done to you.) Confidence is about being the best you that you can possibly be and rockin’ it like nobody’s business. Are you judging or speaking poorly of someone because your lacking in confidence?

Remember judging a person doesn’t define who they are, it defines who you are.

There will be days you feel anything but confident and that’s ok, keep showing up, keep doing the work sometimes you have to play the part and practice many, many times. But you are here for a reason my friend, God made you to share the gifts he has given only you and there is only one you! Start acting like it 😘 Be confident! ✌️Love and be loved! ❤️

Find me at http://www.bepresent100.com and twitter @bepresent100

Mantra Monday: If Opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

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Mantra Monday: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

So many times we wait for opportunities to come to us. Instead of waiting, dreaming and sitting on the sidelines, think about where you can begin to build a door or at the very least a bridge. Think about how to make whatever you’re dreaming about a reality. You may be surprised at the ideas or thoughts you come up with and one typically leads to another. Use friends as a sounding board. I do this often.  It’s not always easy to be brave when we’re scared or strong when we are weak but it’s always worth it.

Be confident, take a risk, follow your heart. Everyone starts as a beginner and there is no better time to start than today. I often hear people say, “well, when I’m more experienced” or “when I’m more confident” and that’s great but you learn so much on the journey when you take a leap of faith. By putting yourself out there and boldly and bravely moving forward even when you’re scared to death, you become the expert. Keep your eyes fixed ahead not on your limitations

“Do all you can in preparation of what’s to come. Keep your eyes and mind open.”

My name is Amber. My passion is sharing yoga and motivation with others. Find more from me on http://www.bepresent100.com and on twitter @bepresent100



Yoga weighing you down? Maybe it should be.

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Yoga and weight training with a vinyasa style twist is what you will find in this post. Yoga has been my go-to exercise for many years and I love the versatility that it offers. Weight training has also been something I’ve enjoyed so I wanted to combine the two for a different kind of workout.

By adding weights to our vinyasa flow it increases our overall calorie burn, gets our heart rate up and challenges our balance and strength. (As you will see in the video, I almost take a tumble in Warrior 3 a few times 🙂 don’t laugh!)  It’s beneficial and important for us to add cardio, weights and stretching to our workout routine to challenge both our mind and body.

Check out the video above for the vinyasa yoga flow routine and see the photos below to help you get started. Begin with a 2-5 lb weight for each hand.

ALL 4’s, with lift

Opposite arm and leg extends, take a small weight in the left hand and lower both the arm and leg up and down. Do 5-10 reps and switch sides.



Warrior 1 to Warrior 3 Flow 

Hold a weight in each hand reach up for Warrior 1 and bring arms down and extend out in front of you and reach the leg back for Warrior 3.  Flow through the poses several times per side. See video.



Warrior 2 -Reverse Warrior -Triangle Flow 

We start in Warrior 2, flow into to Reverse Warrior and back to Warrior 2 stance then to Triangle pose.  See video for flow.




Side Knee Plank with Oblique Twist Flow

Bring your right knee underneath the hip, take a weight in the right hand reach it up and through for an oblique twist. Reach back up and repeat. 10-15 reps per side. To add intensity come into a full side plank by lifting the knee and hips up and extending into a full side plank.



Boat Pose with Chest Fly Flow (video adds bicep curls too!)

Begin in boat pose and with both weights extend out to the sides for a chest fly while holding the legs up with bent knees, drawing the abs in and keeping the spine lengthening and reaching. Try to keep from rounding in the low back by drawing the naval to spine. You may also extend the arms out and in for a bicep curl. ( See video)Try 10-15 reps, and 3 sets.



Feel free to play around in your yoga poses to see where you can add your own vinyasa style flow. It’s always fun to look for new opportunities to change up your routine and challenge your body. If you have questions, you know what to do! Send them my way.

My name is Amber Boone. Please find more from me at http://www.bepresent100.com and on Twitter @bepresent100 Thanks for reading and if you have a yoga blog you’d like to see me post, I would love to hear from you!

AB Challenge-Pilates Powerhouse 5

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Social media has blown up with Ab challenges for the month of June so I wanted to join in on the fun. The most effective exercises I have found for core strength are all from my Pilates training. Yes, I’m a yoga teacher but it all began with Pilates. The moves I am going to share with you are known as the Pilates Powerhouse 5. They are some of the most effective exercises to strengthen and tone your core. Don’t believe me? Try them for yourself.

Tips for Pilates: Prepare by coming to lie on your back.  Draw your belly button toward your spine, tuck your chin in towards your chest as if you have a piece of fruit between your chin and chest, curl up from your rib cage.

Single Leg Stretch

Curl up from your ribs, belly button draws toward your spine, bend your left knee and pull it in to the center. placing your right hand right below the knee and your left hand on your ankle and switch back and forth between the left and right leg.



Double Leg Stretch

Again, curl up from the ribs, draw the tummy in, tuck the chin and extend both the arms and legs and hug back into a ball. Repeat.



Single Straight Leg Stretch

Similar to the first exercise, this one is often called scissors. Switching the straight legs back and forth, drawing belly button towards spine. Keep your elbows wide and reach behind the calf or thigh to hug the leg in.




Double Straight Leg Stretch

Tuck your chin to your chest, curl up from rib cage and bring both legs up, heels together, toes slightly turned out. Here we drop our legs toward the floor using our core strength for control then reverse and bring them back up to the starting point. Very important to not let your low back take the grunt of the work. You want to keep the natural curve but if you notice your low back curving too much you’ve went to far. You don’t have to go all the way down to the floor. Start by going half way or less but work where you are. No exercise is worth injury, ever.




This exercise isn’t just used in Pilates, you’ve probably seen it a time or two. Remember to keep the belly button drawing in, work towards getting the shoulder up off the mat to bring it in to the opposite knee.


20140606-220328-79408722.jpgPractice these moves 2-3 times a week to challenge your abs and tighten your core. I’ve put together a short youtube video for you as well to see the exercises in action. Start out with 5-10 reps of 3 sets and work up to 12-15 reps of 5 sets.  If you have questions, send them to me.


Find more from me at http://www.bepresent100.com

and on twitter @bepresent100

Mantra Monday: Let Go of Expectations

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Mantra: Expect nothing and appreciate everything.

Meditation: Today’s meditation is about letting go of expectations for yourself and others. Think about a recent expectation you’ve placed on yourself or someone else. When we expect something that doesn’t happen we feel hurt and disappointment, we tend to get attached to a certain outcome rather than simply going with the flow and letting life unfold. It creates unnecessary worry and stress. We assume we have all this control over ourselves and over others and the reality is that while we can control some things, we can’t control outcomes and other people.

So try this, take out a piece of paper and write down your current expectation. Maybe you expect a loved one to behave a certain way or do a certain thing. Maybe your expecting to much of yourself in a particular situation. Commit in this moment to release that expectation and let it go. Take your piece of paper and review it, hold it while you sit for 5-10 ten minutes on the inhale say “let” on the exhale “go”  keep repeating, until you begin to feel your stress and worry dissolving as your thoughts begin to become lighter.

You may catch yourself picking it back up from time to time just repeat the process again and let it go. Instead of expecting a certain outcome or fate appreciate what comes to you. Dwell in that place of gratitude and peace knowing that no matter what does or doesn’t happen, you will be okay. It’s easier said than done, I am well aware but just by beginning to change our mindset and thought process we can create a healthier way to live and be.

Find more from me at http://www.bepresent100.com 

Follow me on twitter: @bepresent100


Friday Goodness

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“People are doing the best that they can from their own level of consciousness.” ~ Deepak Chopra

Love this quote! We tend to forget that with a few exceptions, most people truly are doing the best they can with what they have, what they’ve been given and what they’ve learned. We are all in this together so before we think harsh thoughts or judge ourselves or others remember that 🙂

Love and be loved. That’s this edition of Friday Goodness ❤️ pass it on 😃


Surfing & Yoga on the Water? Sounds fishy to me.

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What do you get when you combine a love for water, the outdoors and a yogi? SUP Yoga, of course. It’s what’s happening these days. I’m here to tell you more about why you should try SUP Yoga!

September 2013 (151)

What is Paddle Boarding?

Paddle boarding is a sport that allows you to have fun on the lake, get a great workout in and get a tan! What more could you want? Paddle Board’s are large surfboard’s, they are stable and can double as a yoga mat should you desire to break out your downward facing dog. You are able to stand up, sit down, lie down and even paddle on your knees. The possibilities are endless! You’re thinking what if I fall in, I have no balance?  The good news is that your body is already good at balancing and you will surprise yourself at how good you will be. I promise!  But you know what? What if you do fall in? Trust me on hot days you’ll be jumping in! That’s part of the fun. And guess what? The board’s stable enough that you can climb right back on with minimal effort. Think about pulling yourself out of the pool. It’s basically the same thing.  It’s therapeutic, it’s outdoors, you can’t beat the scenery, and it’s just plain fun by yourself or with a group. Does it sound like I’m trying to make a sale yet? That’s because I am! It won me over on day one. Try it! You won’t regret it.


SUP Yoga

SUP Yoga, is you guessed it, yoga on a paddle board. Yoga is a little more challenging on the paddle board but that’s part of the fun! I do recommend you take a paddle board lesson before you take a SUP Yoga class. You’ll be more confident on the board and get more out of the experience.  So maybe you are new to yoga and you’re wondering if SUP Yoga is something you should try?  My answer is absolutely! After an intro paddle board class, and a couple of yoga classes, sign up for a SUP Yoga class! We do basic yoga poses and if you want to try a balancing pose or a headstand, I’m not going to stop you :). You always have the option of child’s pose or tanning on your board. Did I mention Savasana? Savasana will have new meaning after your SUP Yoga class, relaxing in the warm sun, sounds of nature that sing in the background, the gentle breeze that brushes over you and makes you feel like you’re a million miles away from reality. Yeah, it’s that good!


If you’re in the East Tennessee area come and try it with me! I’m teaching SUP Yoga at two locations and various land classes around the area. See my website for my schedule at http://www.bepresent100.com


Sup Yoga-Norris Paddling Adventures-Norris Dam Marina
Sundays @10am $25

SUP Yoga-Billy Lush Brand-TN River-Saturdays @8:30am $25

Registration is required contact me to sign up at bepresent100@gmail.com

Follow me on twitter @bepresent100 and see my website for more info at http://www.bepresent100.com

