yoga with weights

Yoga weighing you down? Maybe it should be.

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Yoga and weight training with a vinyasa style twist is what you will find in this post. Yoga has been my go-to exercise for many years and I love the versatility that it offers. Weight training has also been something I’ve enjoyed so I wanted to combine the two for a different kind of workout.

By adding weights to our vinyasa flow it increases our overall calorie burn, gets our heart rate up and challenges our balance and strength. (As you will see in the video, I almost take a tumble in Warrior 3 a few times 🙂 don’t laugh!)  It’s beneficial and important for us to add cardio, weights and stretching to our workout routine to challenge both our mind and body.

Check out the video above for the vinyasa yoga flow routine and see the photos below to help you get started. Begin with a 2-5 lb weight for each hand.

ALL 4’s, with lift

Opposite arm and leg extends, take a small weight in the left hand and lower both the arm and leg up and down. Do 5-10 reps and switch sides.



Warrior 1 to Warrior 3 Flow 

Hold a weight in each hand reach up for Warrior 1 and bring arms down and extend out in front of you and reach the leg back for Warrior 3.  Flow through the poses several times per side. See video.



Warrior 2 -Reverse Warrior -Triangle Flow 

We start in Warrior 2, flow into to Reverse Warrior and back to Warrior 2 stance then to Triangle pose.  See video for flow.




Side Knee Plank with Oblique Twist Flow

Bring your right knee underneath the hip, take a weight in the right hand reach it up and through for an oblique twist. Reach back up and repeat. 10-15 reps per side. To add intensity come into a full side plank by lifting the knee and hips up and extending into a full side plank.



Boat Pose with Chest Fly Flow (video adds bicep curls too!)

Begin in boat pose and with both weights extend out to the sides for a chest fly while holding the legs up with bent knees, drawing the abs in and keeping the spine lengthening and reaching. Try to keep from rounding in the low back by drawing the naval to spine. You may also extend the arms out and in for a bicep curl. ( See video)Try 10-15 reps, and 3 sets.



Feel free to play around in your yoga poses to see where you can add your own vinyasa style flow. It’s always fun to look for new opportunities to change up your routine and challenge your body. If you have questions, you know what to do! Send them my way.

My name is Amber Boone. Please find more from me at and on Twitter @bepresent100 Thanks for reading and if you have a yoga blog you’d like to see me post, I would love to hear from you!